
National income

Meaning; national income is defined as the value of all final goods and services produced by the residence of a country where there operating within the domestic territory of the country or outside the country in a year.
 National income is the total value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one year.
Monetary expression
When we say national income is expressed in monetary term, it adds value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year. We cannot add together UNLIKE idem such as fruits, accessories, services of doctors etc.. because they are expressed in different units like kg. and meters. Thus in order to aggregate all goods and services it is important to expressed them in money terms. Such as RF, $ which is a comment determination.

Final goods and service
National income reflects the value of final goods and services.
Final goods and services are those products which are sold to the final users during the year.
Eg) consumer products (tools items, cloths)
Intermediate products
Intermediate products are those products which are used by the producers as inputs into a further stage of production.
Eg) fertilizer, threads
·         To measure national income accurately all goods and services produce during a year must be counted ones, but not more than ones. Most products go through a series of production stages before reaching the market. As a result components of most products are got and sold many times. Intermediate products are excluded from national income because there value is already included in the value of final products in which they are used.
National income is a flaw concept. It is the flow of goods and services. A flow is the quantity which is measured over a period of time.
Current out put
National income measures the value of currently produced goods and services. It excludes pure exchange transaction such as sales purchases of second hand goods or used goods, purchases and sales of securities and transfer payments. These transactions are excluded from national income because nothing new is produce in the current year. Sale and purchased of financial assets both old and new like bone and shells are also excluded from national income because these transactions do not directly involve current production. They are not payments for goods and services. They represent transfer of purchasing power and ownership rights from one person to another. So if you purchase shares of a company, you get ownership rights over a part of the company’s resources. Transfer payments such as social security payments (pension), donation and gift are received by household, enterprises, and others without making any corresponding contribution to the production process in the current year. There are UNI_LATEARL payment for which no productive services are rendered in the current year.
Residents and domestic territory
National income is the find as the value of final goods and services produce by the normal residence of the country.
·         Normal residents: normal residents are those persons who ordinarily reside on country and whose economic interest lies in that country. They may or may not be the citizen of that country.
·         Domestic territory: refers to the geographical or political boundary of a country excluding foreign embassy and international institutions like UN, WHO located within the geographical territory and including the embassies of the country located out side its geographical territory.
Primarily there are three methods of measuring national income. Which method is to be employed depends on the availability of data and purpose. The methods are
·         product method,
·         income method
·         expenditure method.
According to product method, the total value of final goods and services produced in a country during a year is calculated at market prices. According to this method only the final goods and services are included and the intermediary goods and services are not taken into account.
According to income method, the net income payments received by all citizens of a country in a particular year are added up. The net incomes earned by the factors of production in the form of rent, wage, interest and profit aggregated but incomes in the form of transfer payments are not included in the national income.
According to the expenditure method, the total expenditure incurred by the society in a particular year is added together. There expenditures include personal consumption expenditure, net domestic investment, Govt, expenditure on goods and-services, and net foreign investments, Govt, expenditure and net foreign investment. According to these methods total expenditure equals the national income.
The above three methods, it applied give identical results. It is wise to use any method in measuring national income. The use of the above three methods depends on the level at which the national income is calculated. The product method is used at the product level. Income method is used at income level and expenditure method is used at expenditure level. As all the three methods are used to measure the lame physical output at three phases, namely production, distributions and expenditure, they will provide the same national income. Below is given a chart showing the reconciliation of the three methods of calculating GDP at market price.
The choice of above three methods depends on the level at which the national income is calculated. The product method is the principal method used in underdeveloped economies, whereas income method is generally used in developed economics for the estimation of national income.


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