

            NAFTA is a very important free trade area made up of developed and developing countries.
            It is a free trade agreement formed between USA, Canada and Mexico.  This makes the entire North America as a giant free - trade area.
            This free trade agreement between USA, Canada and Mexico is very peculiar USA and Canada are developed nations where as Mexico is a developing nation.  The labour cost in Mexico is very cheap when compared to labour cost of USA and Canada.  Moreover, the working condition is also very poor in Mexico.  This gave USA and Canada fear of losing more jobs to Mexico due to less wages.  In order to prevent this loss of jobs from Canada to Mexico, labour standards and Environmental standards were introduced in NAFTA.  In fact NAFTA is the only free trade agreements which has a very high labour and environmental standards.

            The potential benefits and harmful effects of NAFTA among its members are many.  There was a substantial exodus of jobs from USA and Canada to low wage Mexico. Apart from this, USA very intelligently shifted most of their polluting industries to Mexico.
            The Mexicans were also equally benefited by NAFTA.  Foreign Investments in Mexico has risen substantially since the agreement.  Companies from outside NAFTA have been making large investment in Mexico.  Once these companies establish trade links with Mexico they can explore and utilise the huge NAFTA market through Mexico.
            After NAFTA, Industries in Mexico started experiencing tough competition from USA and Canadian Industries.  This became an indirect stimulant for Mexico to boost up the standard of their industries equivalent to the standard of industries as found in USA and Canada.
The Southern Common Market or MERCOSUR – (Mercado comundel Sur):
            The southern common market was formed in 1991.  It consists of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.  Mercosur is the third largest customs union.  The main aim of Mercosur is to transform the bloc into a common market.  A common currency very similar to that of Euro may be adopted later.  The Mercosur blocks links 210 million people who produced more than one trillion in goods and services in 1999.


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