

Doing business ethically requires a commitment from top mangers. Why ? because it’s the top mangers who uphold the shared and set the cultural tome ( Go to the Web and check out PRISM developing trust) They ‘re role models in terms of both words and actions, though what they do is far more important than what they say. If so managers, for example take company resources for their personal use, inflate their expense accounts, or give favored treatment to friends they imply that such behavior is acceptable for all employees. 

Top managers also set the cultural tone by their reward and punishment practices. The choices of whom and what are rewarded with pay increases and promotions send a strong signal to employees. As we said earlier, when an employee is rewarded for achieving impressive results in an ethically questionable manner, it indicates to others that those ways are acceptable. When wrong doing is uncovered, managers who want to emphasize their commitment to doing business ethically must punish the offender and publicize the fact by making the outcome visible to everyone in the organization.


Our principles: We recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They ...