
Telekinesis Training for Beginners

Telekinesis (TK): Is it a scientific phenomenon, or is it paranormal? Scientific community will tell us that magic can't happen, yet there are innumerable supposed cases of supernatural activities throughout history. To bridge a barrier between science and occult, we can say that telekinetic ability is not necessarily witchcraft or sorcery. It's sheer mind power. Telekinesis can happen, all you have to do is put your mind over matter.

Telekinesis is the ability to move things using the power of mind. This is done without using any physical devices. At first, this may seem unreal, but as your powers grow you'll learn to appreciate it. As every mass or matter is made up of molecules, an experienced person will tell you that it's just a matter of communicating with these molecules. Once you are adept at doing so, you will be able to move things using your own telekinetic abilities, just like you might have seen in popular movies and TV Shows like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Heroes, X-Men, etc.

A piece of advice though, telekinesis is something which cannot be achieved overnight. Some people require less amount of time while some may require more time to master this technique. So, patience is the key to this art. Listed below are a few exercises for a beginner in telekinesis. Using lighter objects will give you faster results.

Concentration Exercises
Since you wish to move or distort things through the power of your thoughts, it only makes sense to start with improving your concentration. There is no such thing as a genie in a bottle, in which case you simply make a wish and it comes true. You have to work towards it. Meditating and improving your concentration will keep unwanted thoughts away.

Sample Exercise
Put up a soothing picture on a wall and start focusing on that picture. Make sure that there are no other wall hangings or distractions around there. Concentrate in such a way that no divergent thoughts come to your mind. Your attention should be centered only on the picture. This may be difficult in the beginning, but in time, you will learn to push other thoughts away. For starters, you can even use a dot instead of a picture. In later stages, you must learn to hold your concentration for longer periods and also be able to merge yourself with the image you view.

Energy Exercises
The energy of the mind is called PSI energy in psychokinetical terms. It is one of the basic elements of psychokinesis. You detect auras and classify them as good and bad depending on the energies they emit. You can try doing this with food products as though you were using them for the first time by deleting all your memories associated with them temporarily; and then finding out whether the aura appears negative or positive to you.

Sample Exercise
Pretend that you are the only thing that exists in this universe. Imagine that everything else including your surroundings, sounds, smells are absent. The instant realization of the energy inside of you gives you a tingle. This is nothing but a manifestation of the potential that can be good or bad for you depending on the state of your mind. Give yourself some time and you will be able to sense energies present in all other beings and objects too.

Force Exercises
It is the force fundamental that actually initializes your telekinetic powers. You need to have an emotion and intensify it and finally channelize yourself via the mind's eye.

Sample Exercise
Take a smooth pen and place it on a table where there is no perturbation. Try moving it just by thought. Once it moves, try stopping it the same way.

Mental and Astral Projections
Projecting yourself from an astral or emotional plane to a mental plane is what comprises a mental projection. Similarly, leaving the physical body to send your inner self off to an astral plane is an astral projection.

Sample Exercise
For first time experiences, look for places you are familiar with. Make yourself comfortable and do some breathing exercises before you start visualizing the plane you want to project yourself to. Close your eyes to inhibit the surroundings and go into the dream state. Once you get back validate the reality by moving your hand or performing some other pre-decided action. It is not recommended to this exercise for longer than 15 minutes for beginners to prevent yourself from losing control.

Popular Exercises
You need to try telekinesis for quite some time before coming to the realization of it. Popular exercises will keep your enthusiasm intact till you finally achieve success. Please don't be disheartened if this doesn't happen right away. The possibility of it happening straightaway is very little. Success will follow after many trials and errors. And when you do experience some telekinetic activity, there's no telling whether you might be able to demonstrate it to others again the very next moment. Maintain a journal of what you have achieved. Mind you, this journal is only for yourself to check the progress you have made.

Sample Exercises
Bending a Spoon: Remember that scene in the movie "Matrix", where Neo is visiting Oracle for the first time? He sees a kid who was able to bend a spoon in many directions. Well, telekinesis is something similar to that (although the kid was playing with the proverbial Matrix and not actually performing telekinesis). As I have mentioned before, a beginner should always choose lighter objects, preferably a paper or a pen. Assuming that you have enough concentrating power, concentrate all your thoughts on an object that you choose. Let us assume that you've chosen a paper. Close your eyes, focus your mind and start visualizing the movement of the paper. With clarity of thought, focus on paper and visualize yourself communicating with that object. Concentrate your senses of sight, sound, colors, etc., to communicate with that piece of paper. Do this only for ten to fifteen minutes. Do not overstretch yourself.

The PSI Ball: Simply rub your hands for a few minutes and place them apart. You will feel some sort of magnetism between them. Intensify it till you see a ball made of color bands. This might take years to accomplish. When you do, feel the energy between your hand and the ball. You can even create protective energy shields out of these balls. In advanced stages, you can learn to take decisions for them and pass them on. PSI Wheels can also be used for similar experiments.

The Pendulum: Use a pendulum and try to swing it without touching it. It requires your mind to become one with the pendulum. So, you must find a pendulum that is right for you. When you learn how to hold and use it properly you should be able to find lost things and search for answers. Remember, it's all in the mind.

Methods of Approach
Once you initiate your training, you need to find a proper way of advancement. This can be done in the following ways.
  • By hand: Manual practice is also called 'the Force'. You can do this in the first few days when you're not equipped.
  • Using wands or props: Any concrete objects that make you confident can be used when performing the exercises.
  • Verbal Incantations: Chants also boost morale and can be very useful in making people aware of their internal energies.
  • Using imagination: Imagining magnetic or invisible objects/hands or some sort of stringed connection during execution can get you closer to your goals. You can also imagine a fictional character doing it for you. Better still, you can pretend to be a being of superpower yourself.
Lucid Dreaming
Inception of an idea in the mind can lead to telekinetic abilities in dreams. Running, morphing, diving, flying, traveling through portals, swapping perspectives, etc., can be great ideas for such dreams. Although, it is not proven that they help telekinesis in real life, they can actually give a feel of the same to a beginner.

A Few Other Exercises
You can enhance your brain power by the following activities. Remember not to dislocate objects by hand or your breath while experimenting.
  • Rolling the edges of a plain paper.
  • Floating a toothpick in a bowl.
  • Swinging a cork hung by a string.
  • Moving a compass needle clockwise or anti-clockwise. (You may use other objects, but compass needle is better as it offers very little resistance.)
Advanced Learning
You can improve your skills through the following;
  • You can try to get into some online courses available on the subject. But, generally they require you to adhere to their training policies and non-disclosure agreements. So, be prepared for the same.
  • Advanced users try to find out meaning of gemstones and extract the trapped energy of various crystals.
  • Isochronic tones can be used to enhance powers. They can even be mixed and made by learners themselves.
Psychic Tests
There are tests to check your inborn psychic ability. They can detect how successful you can be in telekinesis.
  • Guessing random numbers, alphabets, names, etc., can be practiced with a bunch of people. If you're alone, you can try guessing what's on a card picked from a deck.
  • You can flip a coin many times and try to manipulate each outcome so that the statistical average of a lot of such events (or 'individual coin flips') is deviant from the expected 50% for the unbiased coin.
  • Tests for tarot reading, remote viewing, etc., can also be taken. The important thing is to be honest to yourself because, in the end, we are the best to judge ourselves!
More Tips
Try to stick to one method per day. If using more number of methods, make sure they only differ slightly. Maximize the number of attempts for faster results.
  • Always keep a distance from the object you are working with so that you would not be tempted to move it by physical means.
  • Muscles of the brain require a lot of exercise. So, keep practicing to activate your chakras and awaken extra senses. Perseverance is the key to unlock them.
  • Telekinesis, or any other mind exercise for that matter, requires a serene environment and peace of mind. So, always make sure you are free from external and internal disturbances. Breathing exercises and relaxing techniques always come in handy to achieve quietude.
  • Everyone's psychic ability differs. So, do not get disappointed if others perform quicker. Take your own time to master the skill.
  • Control is very crucial to any mental exercise. Learn to control yourself and use all precautionary measures where you know you could let yourself go.
For any phenomenon to receive scientific accreditation, it should be satisfactorily observable. Telekinesis results have not been satisfactory for scientists so far the results are subjective to your degree of skepticism until you experience it for yourself. Therefore, telekinesis is generally considered as paranormal activity.

Hope that the above mentioned exercises on telekinesis will increase your interest in the subject. Have fun putting your mind to it



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