
Faces of the victims: Heroic Sydney cafe manager, 34, shot dead as he grabbed terrorist's gun to protect hostages - and the brilliant young barrister and mother of three, 38, who died in hospital after the siege

  • Tori Johnson, 34, and Katrina Dawson, 38, were killed during a terrorist siege at Sydney's Lindt cafe
  • Mr Johnson, the cafe managerof two years, tried to wrestle the gun from the hostage-taker before he was shot
  • His parents, Ken and Rowena, have described him as a 'beautiful boy' as tributes flow in for the victims  
  • Police stormed the cafe in central Sydney where a gunman held hostages for more than 16 hours
  • Officers moved in firing automatic weapons and throwing grenades as hostages were seen fleeing
  • Three women had to be treated for gunshot wounds and another two for non life-threatening injuries
  • Male police officer was among those injured after he was wounded by a gunshot pellet to his face
  • Thousands of people have gathered at Martin Place to lay flowers, some in floods of tears
  • Live TV footage showed hostages running frantically from the cafe at shortly after 2am in small groups
  • It came hours after gunman Man Haron Monis was named as the person holding people hostage 

The 34-year-old manager of the Lindt cafe, Tori Johnson (left), and mother of three Katrina Dawson, 38 (right), have been named as the two hostages killed during the Sydney siege on Tuesday morningThe two hostages who died during the bloody climax of a sixteen-hour siege at a Sydney cafe were today named as manager Tori Johnson and mother-of-three Katrina Dawson.
Mr Johnson, 34, was shot dead after he tried to wrestle the gun from Islamic extremist Man Haron Monis inside the Lindt cafe in Martin Place just after 2am on Tuesday morning.
Ms Dawson, a 38-year-old whose children are all under 10, died in hospital. She was a barrister at Eight Selborne Chambers in Sydney's Phillip Street, opposite the site of the siege.
As Australia mourned the dead, thousands of people gathered at Martin Place to lay flowers, some in floods of tears. Among those paying tribute were Tony Abbott, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione, Premier Mike Baird and the Governor General Peter Cosgrove.
Speaking earlier today, the prime minister said it was tragic people going about their everyday business could get caught up in such a horrific incident.
'Our hearts go out to all of those caught up in this appalling incident and their loved ones. On behalf of all Australians, I extend my sympathy to the families of the two hostages who died over night,' Mr Abbott said. 
The remaining hostages were able to make a break for the exit of the cafe about 2am after the gunman began to fall asleep - more than 16 hours after he took 17 people captive. 
The 50-year-old gunman is believed to have fired the first shots, which sparked teams of heavily armed police to swoop on the cafe. 
More details of the final terrifying moments of the siege have since emerged as tributes flow in for those who were involved. 
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The 34-year-old manager of the Lindt cafe, Tori Johnson (left), and mother of three Katrina Dawson, 38 (right), have been named as the two hostages killed during the Sydney siege on Tuesday morning
'Omg Elly!! So glad you're OK': Ms Chen, pictured, was the fifth hostage, scrambling from the cafe with her hands in the air
Two men, believed to be customers, ran around a corner and hid behind heavily armed police after six hours inside the cafe
Lindt employee Elly Chen (left), lawyer Stefan Balafoutis (middle) and John O’Brian (right) were among the first to escape  
She was also forced to post a list of demands on her Facebook page saying the 17 hostages needed help
Marcia Mikhail, 42, (left) is a Westpac executive and Harriette Denny, 30, (right) is a Lindt employee
Lawyer Julie Taylor (left), 19-year-old Jarrod Hoffman (middle) and Fiona Ma (right) escaped the frightening ordeal
Composed: At least three female captives, including Selina Win Pe (pictured) were forced to read Monis' list of demands which included a phone conversation with Australian Prime Minister, a public declaration that the attack was being carried out by Islamic State terrorists, and the delivery of an Islamic State flag to the Lindt chocolate cafe
Westpac employees Selina Win Pe (left), Viswakanth Ankireddy (middle) and Puspendu Ghosh (right) 
Ken and Rowena, the parents of Mr Johnson, who was shot inside the cafe he had run for two years, released a statement on Tuesday.
'We are so proud of our beautiful boy Tori, gone from this earth but forever in our memories as the most amazing life partner, son and brother we could ever wish for. 
'We'd like to thank not only our friends and loved ones for their support, but the people of Sydney; Australia and those around the world for reaching out with their thoughts and prayers.' 
They also expressed their sorrow for the family of Katrina Dawson who also died. 
The siege ended after less than two minutes of gunfire at 2.15am today. Mr Johnson and Ms Dawson died from their injuries, while several others were wounded: 
  • Five hostages were injured in the shootout which left the gunman dead
  • Three women suffered gunshot wounds - a 75-year-old who was hit in the shoulder, a 52-year-old in the foot and a 43-year-old in the leg
  • A police officer was injured by gunshot pellets to his face. He has now been released from hospital
  • Two pregnant women, aged 35 and 30, are both in stable conditions after undergoing health assessments
As Australia mourned the dead, thousands of people gathered at Martin Place to lay flowers
As Australia mourned the dead, thousands of people gathered at Martin Place to lay flowers
Sydney resident Kate Golder cries as she observes the site of a cafe siege in Martin Place
Sydney resident Kate Golder cries as she observes the site of a cafe siege in Martin Place
Many of those office workers, friends and tourists leaving tributes were in tears
Many of those office workers, friends and tourists leaving tributes were in tears
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione visited the scene outside the Lindt cafe on Tuesday morning
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione visited the scene outside the Lindt cafe on Tuesday morning
Visibily distraught men and women have been laying tributes for the two innocent victims of the siege
Visibily distraught men and women have been laying tributes for the two innocent victims of the siege

Ms Dawson, who leaves behind her husband Paul and their children, Chloe, Sasha and Olive, was having a coffee with a pregnant colleague when the siege unfolded. Her children were unaware she was involved until Tuesday morning, the Australian reports.  
One of the pregnant women in the cafe at the time, Julie Taylor, was also a colleague of Ms Dawson.
Lawyer Stefan Balafoutis was one of the first three men to escape the cafe about 3.45pm. He works in the 10th Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers, which is directly above Lindt.
83-year-old John O’Brian, dressed in a bright blue blazer, was the first out of the cafe when he escaped with Mr Balafoutis.
Marcia Mikhail, 42, was among those hostages forced to record a chilling video message listing the hostage-taker's demands. She was carried out of the cafe by two emergency services workers with blood running down her leg and is still recovering in hospital. 
Harriett Denny, a fellow employee, ran from the cafe with five other hostages shortly before police issued their gunfire assault. The 30-year-old's father who lives in Queensland watched the incident unfold on TV.
Viswakanth Ankireddy, a software engineer at tech giant Infosys, was working for Westpac in Martin Place when he was caught up in the siege.
His Westpac colleague, Puspendu Ghosh, also escaped the siege unharmed. 
Jarrod Hoffman, 19, and Fiona Ma were also among the hostages, the Daily Telegraph reports. 
Selina Win Pe escaped unharmed after she was also forced to relay demands via a recorded message that were subsequently posted online during the siege.  
An injured hostage is carried away on a stretcher by paramedics after police stormed the Lindt cafe in central Sydney
An injured hostage is carried away on a stretcher by paramedics after police stormed the Lindt cafe in central Sydney
A hostage feared dead is carried out of the cafe after they were reportedly shot by the hostage-taker, prompting police to storm the building
A hostage feared dead is carried out of the cafe after they were reportedly shot by the hostage-taker, prompting police to storm the building
A female hostage is carried out and away from the cafe - clearly in distress with blood pouring down the legs
A female hostage is carried out and away from the cafe - clearly in distress with blood pouring down the legs
Gunman Man Haron Monis, pictured here protesting charges against him earlier this year, held 17 people hostage in the Lindt cafe
Gunman Man Haron Monis, pictured here protesting charges against him earlier this year, held 17 people hostage in the Lindt cafe

With terror etched on their faces, two female hostages run into the arms of armed police at the back of the building
Police raided the cafe in central Sydney early Tuesday, bringing a dramatic end to a 17-hour siege. The raid came moments after some hostages fled the Lindt cafe after more than 16 hours
Police raided the cafe in central Sydney early Tuesday, bringing a dramatic end to a 17-hour siege. The raid came moments after some hostages fled the Lindt cafe after more than 16 hours
Petrified: Two heavily armed police officers assist a hostage away from Lindt Cafe in Martin Place in central Sydney
Petrified: Two heavily armed police officers assist a hostage away from Lindt Cafe in Martin Place in central Sydney
A shrine for the hostage victims has grown rapidly since a single bunch of flowers was laid at dawn on Tuesday.
Dignitaries, workers from nearby offices and tourists have been seen paying their respects with some standing in solemn silence and others sobbing uncontrollably.
The law firm Ms Dawson worked for, which was located next door to Lindt, told Daily Mail Australia they were 'devastated by the loss of our beloved floor member'.
It said the 38-year-old was a rising star at 8 Selborne Chambers.
'Katrina was on her way to becoming one of the leading barristers at the bar. She was also a dear friend to all of us and will be deeply missed,' a statement read.
'Our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. We also send our condolences to everyone affected by this tragic event.
'We thank all those who have sent messages of support.' 
Kate Golder, 37, broke down in tears as she paid tribute to the hostages.
'It's the randomness of it, it could have been any of the cafes that I frequent in the city, it could have been any of us,' she said.
'I said to my husband it could have been me - I feel so sorry for the victims and their families. Martin Place is such a lovely place to be but that peace has been shattered.'
Ms Golder works in the finance industry and her office is just 100 metres from the cafe.
'When i I walk through Martin Place now it will always feel different for me,' she said.
'Sydneysiders, like most Australians, we are pretty relaxed but it feels like something has changed overnight.'
Terri Lucia, who also works nearby, sobbed uncontrollably as she placed flowers at the makeshift shrine.
'Im really very shocked. As soon as I found out what happened to those poor people I had to come down just so they know that we care. It's just awful - I'm still in shock,' the 52-year-old said.
'It has changed forever, it's such a beautiful place.I used to come here and have lunch but it just doesn't feel like it today.' 
NSW Premier Mike Baird laid a bunch of flowers alongside hundreds of other Sydneysiders
NSW Premier Mike Baird laid a bunch of flowers alongside hundreds of other Sydneysiders
Hundreds of bouquets of flowers have been laid in Martin Place since dawn 
Hundreds of bouquets of flowers have been laid in Martin Place since dawn 
Lydia Shelly (left) and Terri Lucia (right) were among those with tears streaming down their faces as they paused at the makeshift memorial
Four-year-old daughter Mona placed flowers with her family as hundreds of floral tributes started to appear in Martin Place
Four-year-old daughter Mona placed flowers with her family as hundreds of floral tributes started to appear in Martin Place
The group that owns Sydney's Lindt cafe has pledged support for the victims of a hostage-taker, saying it's profoundly saddened by the deaths and injuries suffered.
Lindt & Sprungli chairman Ernst Tanner said the loss of two innocent lives at its Martin Place cafe was a heavy weight to bear.
The company has pledged support for the families of the dead, as well as the wounded and other survivors.
'Lindt & Sprungli is profoundly saddened and deeply affected about the death of innocent people,' Mr Tanner said in a statement on Tuesday.
'We are devastated by the loss of their lives and that several others were wounded and had to experience such trauma.'
'In these difficult times, we all need to stand together in order to defend the values of freedom, peace and tolerance,' he said.
The company pledged to support its workers and customers whose lives were shattered by a terrible and random act of violence.
'Lindt & Sprüngli will provide any support to the victims and their families, and indeed to all our employees affected by this event,' the company's Australian chief executive Stephen Loane said.
A NSW police officer carries floral tributes through an empty Martin Place early on Tuesday
A NSW police officer carries floral tributes through an empty Martin Place early on Tuesday
Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife Lynne also paid tribute
Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife Lynne also paid tribute
Belgian tourists Peter van Eeckhoutte (pictured holding camera), wife Mieke (in green) and four-year-old daughter Mona (in red) were at the Lindt cafe entrance only half an hour before the attack
Belgian tourists Peter van Eeckhoutte (pictured holding camera), wife Mieke (in green) and four-year-old daughter Mona (in red) were at the Lindt cafe entrance only half an hour before the attack
The floral tributes stemmed from just one bouquet that was left before dawn on Tuesday
The floral tributes stemmed from just one bouquet that was left before dawn on Tuesday
The first flowers were laid in Martin Place around sunrise on Tuesday, just hours after the siege
The first flowers were laid in Martin Place around sunrise on Tuesday, just hours after the siege
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione paid his respects to the two innocent siege victims
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione paid his respects to the two innocent siege victims
Eleven hostages were accounted for after the police raid shortly after 2am. Five hostages had already escaped earlier on Monday afternoon. 
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said police entered the building after they heard gunfire and feared hostages had been hit. 
'They made the call because they believed at that time if they didn't enter it would have been many more lives lost,' Mr Scipione said.
'I understand there was a number of gunshots that were heard, which caused officers to move straight to what we call an EA – emergency action plan – and that caused them to enter.' 
A crime scene is still set up in and around the Lindt cafe as investigations continue. 
The siege has prompted police to have a 24 hour presence in public places and transport hubs over the Christmas and New Year period.
Seven Network reporter Chris Reason, who was watching the siege unfold from his newsroom across the road, said some of the hostages broke free after Monis attempted to usher the hostages from one side of the café to the other. 
One man emerged from the cafe with his hands up and lay down on the ground in front of police. Seconds later, a group of at least five hostages escaped from the cafe.
It is believed that Monis then fired his shotgun, killing one of his captives. This appeared to be the trigger for tactical police to move in.
Within seconds, they had blasted through the cafe door and opened fire with automatic weapons, also hurling what appeared to be stun grenades. The sounds of explosions echoed through the city and the flashes of rifle fire and grenades lit up the area.
The gunfight lasted less than two minutes and more hostages emerged after the police raid. As the scene calmed down, a bomb disposal robot was seen entering the cafe. 
Police officers wearing armoured suits walk with a robot towards Lindt Cafe in Martin Place to check for booby traps after the siege ended
Police officers wearing armoured suits walk with a robot towards Lindt Cafe in Martin Place to check for booby traps after the siege ended
Heavily armed police remained posted around the cafe as night fell and the hostage drama continued into the night
Heavily armed police remained posted around the cafe as night fell and the hostage drama continued into the night. Inside, the remaining hostages were brought food and were observed by witnesses as looking 'pained' 
The hostages were seized by the gunman on Monday morning after he stormed the Sydney cafe. Several captives made an early courageous break for freedom but it was thought that about 15 hostages remained in the cafe through the night. 
During the stand-off with police, three videos were released on YouTube, believed to be of three female hostages putting the gunman's demands to police. Those demands included the police bringing an ISIS flag to the cafe and insisting on a conversation with Prime Minister Tony Abbott. 
The gunman's name was released soon after midnight after senior police gave their approval to various media outlets.
The drama began unfolding Monday morning when the gunman entered the cafe, located in one of busiest plazas in Sydney's central business district, and pulled a shotgun from a blue carry bag and disabled the doors.
Soon afterwards, hostages were seen with their hands pressed against the windows holding up the Islamic Shahada flag. It is an emblem of extremist group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is fighting the Assad government in Syria. The man was described as wearing a headband with Arabic writing on it.
Scores of police rushed to the scene, evacuating surrounding buildings and closing off part of the city. The scene sent shockwaves across Australia, where terror attacks have rarely touched home soil.
Paramilitary police armed with automatic rifles spent Monday surrounding the cafe, with senior commanders saying they were prepared to take a patient approach to the siege, hoping to end it through negotiation with the gunman.
A young female employee came running out of the Lindt cafe shortly before 5pm and was sheltered by waiting police
Another distraught female worker, cafe barista Elly Chen, bolted from the shop before taking cover with police
A total of five hostages have now escaped Lindt cafe - it's believed they escaped and were not released
One of the young female employees was visibly upset as she grabbed hold of armed police
One of the young female employees was visibly upset as she grabbed hold of armed police
'Omg Elly!! So glad you're OK': Ms Chen, pictured, was the fifth hostage, scrambling from the cafe with her hands in the air
'Omg Elly!! So glad you're OK': Ms Chen, pictured, was the fifth hostage, scrambling from the cafe with her hands in the air
Freedom: Ms Chen was helped to a cover immediately after she burst from the Lindt Cafe store
Freedom: Ms Chen was helped to a cover immediately after she burst from the Lindt Cafe store
A total of five hostages, including barista Elly Chen, managed to escape the cafe by scrambling out a side door about seven hours into the drama. Fear etched on their faces, they ran into the arms of waiting police.
It is understood the hostages escaped from the cafe, rather than being released by their captor. One former male hostage was taken to nearby St Vincent's Hospital, in Sydney's inner suburbs, and was treated for a pre-existing condition.
The gunman flew into a rage when he realised some of his captives had escaped.
'The gunman could be seen from here getting extremely agitated, shouting at remaining hostages,' tweeted journalist Chris Reason.
The light inside the building went off through the night but police would not reveal whether it was a law enforcement or hostage-taker tactic. Mr Reason said he could see the gunman rotating the hostages through positions in the store's window.
'From inside Martin Place we can see the faces of hostages - pained, strained, eyes red and raw,' he recounted. 
Food and water was also being delivered to the prisoners from the cafe's back kitchens. 
Two terrified men were spotted fleeing the Lindt cafe in Martin Place shortly before 3.45pm
Two terrified men were spotted fleeing the Lindt cafe in Martin Place shortly before 3.45pm
Two men, believed to be customers, ran around a corner and hid behind heavily armed police after six hours inside the cafe
Two men, believed to be customers, ran around a corner and hid behind heavily armed police after six hours inside the cafe
Two men, believed to be customers, ran around a corner and hid behind heavily armed police after six hours inside the cafe
A male employee wearing an apron frantically ran out of a side fire exit and hid behind police
A male employee wearing an apron frantically ran out of a side fire exit and hid behind police

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873855/Gunman-takes-hostages-cafe-Sydney.html#ixzz3M2VN7Kgx
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