mission is to bring the freedom and adventure of flying to all who have dreamed of flight. the FAA’s dramatic 2004 regulation changes that created the light sport aircraft category have redefined the possibilities for aviation and allowed the company to create the ’A5’ consumer aircraft. it uses the most cutting edge materials and techniques to achieve its performance. the plane takes one person just two minutes to unfold the ‘A5’s’ wings and be ready of the open skies. to transport the aircraft, the icon ‘amphibious trailer’ loads like car and unloads like a boat.
for in-flight emergencies, a parachute is deployed and can safely land the aircraft from 1,000 feet and the ‘angle of attack safety’ system is a single gauge that tells pilots when the wings have the most effective lift during turning and landing. by fusing engineering with consumer product design, the 100 employees at icon have managed to create the ‘A5’ that not only delivers great functional benefits but also deeply influences future pilots today.