Easiest way to make money online
I will now guide you exactly step by step directions on how to get started, because I don’t want any confusion or this to not work out for anyone. I didn’t give all click by click instructions for everything, if you cannot make a Google account without help you shouldn’t be doing this anyways.
Step 1: copy and paste this entire document into Microsoft word or whatever you use and save it
Step 2: Go to each of the 6 blogs listed below separately, click on their donate button and proceed to donate $1.67 to each of them
Step 3: Go to www.google.com and sign up for a Google account. (red sign up button top right on sign in page)
Step 4: Go to www.PayPal.com and log in
- Click on “merchant services”
- Click on create payment button for your website
- Choose button type “donate”
- Organization name: write whatever you want I write “buy me a beer,” or “my fun money.”
- Contributions choose “donors contribute a fixed amount,” and put $1.67 in the amount box
- You are now at the “add your button code webpage,” leave this page up and go and sign into the Google account you created
- On the very top of your Google homepage there is a black bar with a bunch of options, click “more” option and when the list comes up select “blogger” (you may have to re-enter your password)
- Once at your blog page click “new blog”
- For the title put “donate button”
- For address put your Google email address minus the @gmail.com part. If it is not available you can put something close. Whatever address you put, this will be the address people visit to pay you
- Click “create blog”
- This will bring you back to your blog page. Next to your blog titled “donate button,” will be an orange button with a pencil on it. Click there to create a new post
- Towards the top left of this post page is the option for compose and HTML. It is set on compose now, click on HTML to set it to that
- Bring your “add your button code webpage” back up
- Towards the bottom of the page is your donate button code. Click “select code”
- Right click the highlighted text and select “copy”
- Now go back to your blog and paste it in the post you are creating
- Write “donate button” for post title
- Click on “publish”
- A box will pop up saying “share on Google”
- You can write whatever comment you’d like, but where it says “To:” make sure you choose “public”
- Click “share”
- Pull up a new page and put the address you put for your post (www.*******.blogspot.com) and just make sure that your donate button shows up
- If it’s there you are all set and on to the last step
Last Step: Bring up your copy of this document and move everyone one spot up the list 6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, 2 becomes 1 and put your name in the 6 spot. That’s it. You are ready to start for yourself. Find anywhere you can to post this and good luck. You can also just comment on peoples posts with a link to your article. Just know this becomes spam at a certain point so don’t comment too much. Also it would be smart to put a copy of this on your blog so you can refer people there. I have been sitting on this idea for a long time and put a lot of effort into figuring this out and making it work. Hope you enjoy!
Blog list