

Organizational climate serves as the guidelines for dealing with people, as n has a major influence on motivation and productivity of individuals as well as total work group. A sound group climate is a long term proposition. Managers take an asset approach meaning that they take the climate as organizational assets.  

Climate, in natural sense, is referred to as the average course or condition of the weather at a place over a period of year as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and perception. However it is quite difficult to define organizational climate incorporating the characteristics of natural climate. This is so because the most frustrating feature of an attempt to deal with situational variables in a model of frustrating feature of an attempt to deal with situational variables in a model of management performance is the enormous complexity of the environment itself. It makes the definition and measurement of situational variables very difficult. One way to conceptualize the organizational climate is to consider its potential properties. Forehand and Gilmer feel that climate consists of a set of characteristics that describe an organization, distinguish it form other organizations, are relatively enduring over time and influence the behavior of people in it. Based on these characteristics Compbell et al define organizational climate as:  
“ A set of attributes specific to a particular organization that may be induced from the way that organization deals with its members and its environment. For the individual members within organizations, climate takes the form of a set of attitudes and expectancies which describe the organization in terms of both static characteristics and behavior outcome and outcome – outcome contingencies.”
When organizational climate is defined in this way, many kinds of organizational factors are relevant contributors to it. The crucial elements are the individual perceptions of the relevant stimuli, constraints and reinforcement contingencies that govern human behavior. Thus the perception of people regarding the functioning of these factors is important. From this point of view, the discussion of relevant factors is important.   
Organizational climate has a major influence on human performance through its impact on individual motivation and job satisfaction. It does this by creating certain kinds of expectancies about what consequences will follow from different actions. Individuals in the organization have certain expectations and fulfillment of these expectations depends upon their perception as to how the organizational climate suits to the satisfaction of their needs. Thus organizational climate provides a types of work environment goes a long way in determining his efficiency, organizational climate can be said to be directly related with his performance in the organization. There are four mechanisms by which organizational climate affect performance, satisfaction and attitudes of people in the organization. 
1.     Organizational variables can operate as constraint systems in both a positive and negative sense by providing knowledge of what kinds of behavior are rewarded, punished or ignored. The organization can influence behavior by attaching different rewards and punishments to varying behaviors. This assignment of different values to behavioral outcomes would then influence the behavior of those people most interested in those specific values.
2.     Organizational variables may affect behavior through evaluation of the self and others , and such evaluation will in turn, influence behavior. There are both physiological and psychological variables associated with this evaluation process.
3.     Organizational factors work as stimuli, they influence an individuals arousal level, which is a motivational variable directing behavior. The level of arousal will directly affect the level of activation and hence performance.
4.     Organizational variables influence behavior in that hey influence the individual to form a perception of the organization. The perception then influences behavior.   


Researchers in organizational climate  have used data relating to individual perception of organizational properties in identifying organizational climate. Even in this context there is a great amount of diversity. For example, Litwin and Stringer have included six factors which affect organizational climate. These are:
1.     Organization structure perception of the extent of organizational constraints, rules, regulations, red tape.
2.     Individual responsibility – feelings of autonomy of being one’s own boss.
3.     Rewards feelings related to being confident of adequate and appropriate rewards.
4.     Risk and risk taking – perceptions of the degree of challenge and risk in the work situation.
5.     Warmth and support – feelings of general good fellowship nd helpfulness prevailing in the work settings and
6.     Tolerance and conflict – degree of confidence that the climate can tolerate differing opinions.

A broader and somewhat more systematic study of climate dimensions described by Schneider and Bartlett includes six items that should be included in determining organizational climate. These are managerial support, managerial structure, concern for new employees, inter – agency conflict, agent dependence and general satisfaction. Taguiri has identified five factors in organizational climate on the basis of information provided by managers. These are:

1.     Practices relating to providing a sense of direction or purpose to their jobs – setting objectives, planning and feedback.
2.     Opportunities for exercising individual initiative.
3.     Working with a superior who is highly competitive and competent.
4.     Working with co- operative and pleasant people and
5.     Being with a profit – minded and sales – oriented company.

The results of these studies show that it is very difficult to generalize the basic contents of organizational climate based on these studies. Other studies in this respect do not elicit different result and present the vastly different orientations or sets. However some broad generalizations can be drawn and it can be concluded that four basic factors are somewhat common to the findings of most studies. There are individual autonomy, the degree of structure imposed upon the people, reward orientation and consideration, warmth and support.


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