

Business man who starts business( new idea)
Entrepreneurship is the act of and the art of being and entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations or may be revitalizing which your organization in response to a proceed opportunity.
The most oblivious forms of entrepreneurship is static a new business .when entrepreneurship is describing activities within a firm or large organization it is refer to as intra-pre-neurship. Which includes corporate venturing when large entities come together.
The person who starts business is called entrepreneur and process is called entrepreneurship.
Definition of entrepreneur
According to new encyclopedia Britannica an individual who bear the risk of operating a business in the face of uncertainty about the future conditions.
Entrepreneur qualities / features
Entrepreneur behaviors:
-       Grasping opportunity: to find out new opportunity.( new things)
-       Taking initiatives: decide whether go  through or not
-       Solving problem creatively: solve different situation  ( take action immediately)
-       Managing autonomously: manage resources, people in organization
-                                                - managing in what they have(limited)
-       Taking responsibility for ownership of things: should be answerable (developing team.)
-       Seeing things through: seeing development of business and future of business.
-       Putting things / resources together creatively: putting together resources ( HRM, finance , marketing)
-       Calculating the risk: should have quality of calculating risk.
Entrepreneurial attributes
-       Achievement oriented and ambitions: qualities of achieving target (things)
-       Self confidence and self esteem:
-       Action orientation: having information on law to do work using others.
-       Preference for learning by doing:
-       Hardworking :to achieve target
-       Determination: identifying situation (guess)
-       Creativity:

Socio economic origins of entrepreneurship
1.    Cast origins: (categories of people.) To begin with some social groups produced a large and more capable body of entrepreneurs than other groups. This is due to the influence of privening social factors. It has often being suggested that certain religions and caste encourages the growth of entrepreneurial talent.
2.    Entry into entrepreneurship: the time and age at which the entry is made into entrepreneurship are important factors. Some communities entered the field of entrepreneurship earliest when compared with other communities. It reviews the resource fellness and enterprising quality of that community. 
3.    Family background: (family support or family status) this factor includes size of family, type of family and economic status of family. Some studies reviled that the individuals family help to gain access to political power and exhibited higher level of entrepreneurship. To some extent the joint family provides the family property to invest and expand the family firms.
4.    Religious back ground: (attract due to religious) religions exercise are strong influence on attitudes towards material gains relatively to efforts. Max Weber who propound (found) the theory that the “protestanethic” ethics among Christian foster the right attitude for entrepreneurship on the other hand Islam and Hindu religions do not foster (influence) such an attitude.
5.    Education and technical knowhow: (base of education level of people) education, entrepreneurship and development are interrelated. Education is the best means of developing the individual’s resources fullness which encompasses different dimensions of entrepreneurship. It may be expected that the high level of education may enable the entrepreneurs to exercise their entrepreneurial talent more efficiently and effectively.
6.    Occupational background: (because of jobs) the employed people were more attracted towards entrepreneurship than those engage in agriculture or business. The maximum number of entrepreneurs were the unemployed youth who starts their own industrial units.
7.    Migratory character: (moving one country to another , moving for doing business) as much as 4/5 of the entrepreneurs were imigrance or foregoers who comes from different places or country.
8.    Type of industry to started: (because of industry in that place )  nearly 2/3 of the entrepreneurs started industrial units in ingeiary works a little more than 1/10 prefers to start units in non-metallic products. While 7.5% starts units related to plastic works industry.
9.    The type of ownership preferred: ( availability of resources) more than ½ of the units were partnership firms, nearly 1/3 were sold trading concern and about 1/10 were Pvt.ltd. companies . Most of the entrepreneurs prefers partnership to avoid legal formalities involved in the starting of company.

Environment factors affecting entrepreneurship (difficulties)
1.    Sudden changes in government policy
2.    Sudden political upsurge
- - sudden change in political parties
3.    Out break of war or regional conflict (during war – difficulties for entrepreneur)
4.    Political industry/ hostile government attitudes towards industry. (attitude of political parties ot government –parties in the GOV.
5.    Excessive red-tapsim and corruption among government bodies / agency.( if there is corruption in government)
6.    Ideological and social conflicts. (Eg: new entrepreneur want enter the market but there is some product which society already aware.      
7.    Unreliable supply of power-material, finance, laboure and other inputs. ( limited supply for business)
8.    Rise in the cost of inputs( raw material cost high)    
9.    Unfavorable market fluctuation (economic problem –recession-)
10. Non co-operative attitude of bank and financial institutes.

Requirement of entrepreneurial structure.
The main requirement of the entrepreneurial structure are as follows:
1.    The new business should be organized separately from the existing business. People responsible for an existing business try to postpone actions an anything new and cannot become entrepreneurs.
2.    There should be a separate law for the new venture within the organization. A new project should be the specific responsibility of same body in top management.
3.    A new innovative project requires different set of policies, rules and evaluation criteria than the existing one.
4.    The returns on new innovation will be quit different from those of the existing business and will have to be measured differently.
5.    A person or a group should be clearly accountable for the success or failure for the innovations.

Entrepreneurs and managers
1.    Innovation
The entrepreneurs does not live with the status qvo. He works to change in accordance with his or her personal vision and values. He is more than an inventor, an inventor only originates the invention. But the entrepreneur goes much further by exploiting the invention commercially. But a manager only deals with day to day affaires of going concern.
An entrepreneur is change agent while a manager is the product of change.
2.    Risk taking
An entrepreneur takes calculated risk but he is not a gambler( those who take risk) but he faces uncertainty and assumes risks. When compare to the manager he is less tolerant of uncertainty. He doesn’t face the uncertainty of a new venture with its potential for failure and financial loss.
3.    Rewards
An entrepreneur is motivated by profits while the manager is motivated by externally inposed goals and rewards. The gains of an entrepreneur are uncertain at irregular and can be negative. The salary of a manager can be temporary , fixed or regular and can never be negative.
4.    Skills
The role of entrepreneur and manager demand different types of personal skills. An entrepreneur needs creative thinking and innovative ability among other skills. On the other hand a manager depends more on human relations and concept abilities.
5.    Status
Anrepreneur is self employed individual and he is his own boss. On the other hand a manager is a salaried person and he is not independent.
6.    Response to authority
One of the main features that distinguish managers from entrepreneurs os their ability to identify in a positive constructive way with authority use by them as role models.
Management involves combining or coordinating resources to produce where as entrepreneurship involves combining to initiate changes in production.

Theories of entrepreneurial supply (origin)

1.     Sociological theory: entrepreneur is the part of society, origin of entrepreneur is society
The sociologist argue that entrepreneur is most likely to emerge under a specific social culture. According to there social sanction culture values, and role expectation are  responsible for the imagine of entrepreneurship. According to Cochran “ the entrepreneur respects social model personality. His performance depends upon his own attitude towards his occupation. In several countries entrepreneurs have emerged from a particular socio economic class.
Eg)  - samurai in Japan (society in Japan)
-         family pattern in France
- Christian in Lebanon
-       Yoruba in Nigeria

2.    Psychological theory: attitude of doing new things or particular things
According to the advocates of this theory entrepreneurship is most likely to emerge (born) when a society has sufficient supply of individuals possessing (having) particular psychological characteristics. According to Schampeter “ entrepreneurs are primary motivated by will to power, will to found a private kingdom of their own. Their main characteristics are:
A)   An insititutional capacity to see things in way which after words probes correct.
B)   Energy of will and mind to overcome fixed habits of thought.
C)   The capacity to with stand social ppporsitions.

3.    Economic theory: the person who regularly analyze the economy.
According to the economist entrepreneurship and economic growth will take place in those situation where particular economic conditions are most favorable. According to TR Harris the main advocate of this, theory according to his economic incentives are the main drive for the entrepreneurial activities. In some cases it is not so evident but the persons in a drives have always being associated with economic gains. There for these incentives and gains are regarded as the sufficient condition for the emerging of industrial entrepreneurs.

          Classification types of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur and stage of development
1.    First generation entrepreneur
2.    Modern entrepreneur
3.    Classical entrepreneur


1.   Entrepreneur according to type of business.
1.    Business entrepreneurs:- business entrepreneurs are individuals who creates the idea for a new product or service and then create the business to materialized the idea into reality. They may setup a big establishment or a small business units. They are called small business entrepreneurs when found on small business units such as printing press, textile processing house, advertizing agency etc..
2.    Trading entrepreneur:- the trading entrepreneur is an individual who undertakes trading activities and is not concern with the manufacturing work. He identifies potential markets, stimulates demands for his product line which creates a desire an interest among buyers to go in for his product line. He is engaged in worth domestic and over seas trade.
3.    Industrial entrepreneur :- it is essentially a manufacture who identifies the potential needs of customers and creates the product oriented man who states in an industrial units because of the possibility for new product.
4.    Corporate entrepreneur :- corporate entrepreneur are those individuals who demance strata there innovative skills in organization and managing corporate undertakes. A corporate undertaken is a form of business organization which is registered under some act which gives a separate legal entity. For example : a trust registered under trust act or company registered under the companies act is example for cooperate undertaken.
5.    Agricultural entrepreneur :- agricultural entrepreneur are those individuals who undertake agricultural activities like raising and marketing of crop, fertilizes and other imputes. There are motivated to raise agriculture through mechanization, irrigation and application of technologies for fry land agricultural products.

2. According to technology
1.  Technical entrepreneur : a technical entrepreneur is essentially compare to a craftsman. He develops improve quality of goods because of the craftsmanship and technical knowledge. He concentrates more on production then marketing activities.
2.  Non technical entrepreneur: this are people non technical entrepreneurs. This are people who are not concern with the technical accept of the product in which they deal. There are concern only with developing alternative marketing strategies and distribution strategies to promote the business.
3.  Professional entrepreneur: professional entrepreneurs are those individuals who are interested in establishing a business, but does not have interest in managing or operating it once it is establish. The professional entrepreneur sells out the running business and states another venture with the sales  proceeds.

3. Entrepreneur and motivation
1.  Pure entrepreneur :- a pure entrepreneur is an individual who is motivated by psychological economic reward. He undertakes an entrepreneur activity for hid personal satisfaction in work, ego and status.
2.  Induced entrepreneur : he is a person who is induced to take up and entrepreneurial task due to the policy measures of the government that provides assistance, incentives, concessions and necessary over head facilities to start the enterprise due to financial, technical and several other facilities provided to them by the local government to promote entrepreneurship.
3.  Motivated entrepreneur: all the new entrepreneur are motivated by the desire for fulfillment. They come into existent because of the possibility of making and marketing some new product foe the use of customer. If the product is develop to selling stage then the entrepreneur Is further motivated by reward in terms of profit.
4.  Spontaneous entrepreneur: these entrepreneurs starts there business because of there natural inborn talents. This individuals are persons with initiative, boldness and confidence in there ability which motivates them to undertakes entrepreneurial activity.

4.   Growth and entrepreneur
1.  Growth entrepreneur: growth entrepreneurs are those individuals who necessarily take up growth industries which has substantial growth prospects.
2.  Super growth entrepreneur: are those individuals who starts multiple number of businesses which are also having enormous growth of performance in there venture. There growth performance is indentified by the liquidity of funds, allocation of resources for running the multiple numbers of businesses together.

5.   Entrepreneurs and stages of development
1.  First generation entrepreneur: the first generation entrepreneur are those individuals who are the first persons who would be starting there own enterprise. There are essentially innovators who combines different methods or technologies to produce a marketable product or service.
2.  Modern entrepreneurs: a modern entrepreneur are individuals who under takes those venture which go well alone with the changing demand in the market. They initiate those ventures which suit the current marketing needs.
3.  Classical entrepreneurs: the classical entrepreneur is an individual who is concern with the customer satisfaction and marketing needs through the development of self supporting venture. This entrepreneurs aims on maximizing there economic returns at a consistent level with the survival of the firm with the element of growth.

Entrepreneur decision process
l. pull factors
1)    Perception of advantage: if a person feels that he can earn better or overall games in terms of money , status , security and future etc.. as an entrepreneur have better working conditions than the employee there for this leads him to become an entrepreneur.
2)    Spotting an opportunity: Many employee spots and business opportunity in the course of there Employeement or worth and decide to exploit that opportunity rather than passing it own to there employer. Many employees buy unsuccessful business at which very cheap prices from there farmer employers and turn them into huge profit given business.
3)    Government policies: in some countries there government very often formulate policies to promote surtain business activities by providing tax concession , cash subsidies , cheap land which improve the success and profit prospect.
4)    Motivation: some individuals are motivated by the biographies or success stories of the present entrepreneurs which attracts him to become an entrepreneur.
5)    Influence by ( environmental, social, family, peers etc) : most of the individuals are attracted towards entrepreneurship because of the impact by culture, community , family background , teachers and beers etc
ll. push factors
1.    Job dissatisfaction: many people start their own venture because they feel dissatisfied with their existing jobs, superior or work environment.
2.    Relocation / transfer: in some jobs there are frequent or repeated transfers or relocations which leads the individuals to starts his own enterprise to settle in the preferred area.
3.    Joblessness: this is the biggest source of micro level entrepreneurship in which many parents helps there academically poor children who fail to find a job to start their own micro ventures.
4.    Lay off: lay off often lower the market value of an employee to half if a person is laid off and is unable to find a suitable job for him. He might think of starting his own business.
5.    Retirement : many refried but physically and mentally fit people start their own business either to supplement their pension or saving or just to keep them self gainfully occupied.
6.    Bordom : this is applicable to many ladies from the well financial family where there have a number of servants to take care of all home activities, they find and avenue to keep the bordom away and starts the ventures like boutique or fashion designing etc.

Entrepreneur and economic development
-       Provides employment: entrepreneurs setup enterprises which provide employment not only to themselves but to many others directly and indirectly and thereby put into utilization of human resources of the country.
-       Prosperity to the country: entrepreneurs combine resources and put there time or efforts and produces the goods or services. Therefore , the value additions that they do to resources brings prosperity to the country.
-       Low cost strategy: Entrepreneurship is a low cost strategy . an entrepreneur works with maximum financial efficiency in order to maximize his profits. Entrepreneurs rarely indulge themselves in luxury of business class travel or five star hotel comforts which the managers aveat without saving. Therefore , many such cost are either avoided or kept in check which helps in saving in finances which can be used to the other required function.
-       Creativity and innovative attitude: the spread of entrepreneurship brings in creativity and innovative attitude to help the individuals for getting a regular source of income.
-       Development of the places / locations: a dynamic society and the spreads like a chain reaction. Many entrepreneurs have pride to be the initiators for growth of the smaller entrepreneurs.
Eg) Jamshedpur was a small town before the TATA steel plant was setup, once the plant come up in the place many people setup there small enterprises to cater to the needs of the growing population.

Function of entrepreneur

1.    Planning of the project: entrepreneur is the organizer who can served the idea of launching the project and to program the structure of the business.
2.    Managing the business: the entrepreneur is also responsible for the management of business where he always try a least cost combination of factors of production.
3.    To face risk: the entrepreneur faces uncertainty and bears the risk in his business , uncertainty comprising those risk against which it is not possible to ensure. He also faces the risk of other produces who may enter the market.
4.    Distribution of rewards: he is responsible for distributing the rewards to all factors of production. He pays the rewards inform of rent, wages, and interest and also bears the risk of profit or loss himself.
5.    Marketing of the product: an entrepreneur is also responsible for all marketing and advertising decisions where he always wants to maximize his profit while selling his product in the market effectively.
6.    Determining scale of production: the entrepreneur decide the scale of business in according with the provisions of capital. Then hr takes the decision of what, where and how to produce goods.
7.    Identifying entrepreneurial opportunity: there are many opportunities in the world of business which is based on human needs like food, fashion, education etc which are constantly changing. This opportunities are not realized by common man but an entrepreneur senses the opportunities faster than others.
8.    Turning ideas into action: an entrepreneur should be capable of turning his ideas into reality where he collects information regarding the ideas , products and practices to match the demand in the market. Further steps are taken to achieve goals on the bases of information collected.
9.    Feasibility study: the entrepreneur conducts studies to access the market feasibility of the propost product or services. He anticipates problems and access quantity, quality, cost and sources of input require to run the enterprise.
10. Resourcing : the entrepreneur needs various resources in terms of money, machine, material and men to run the enterprise successfully. An essential functions of an entrepreneur is to ensure the availability of all the resources.
11. Growth and development: once the enterprise achieves its desired result the entrepreneur has to explore another higher goal for its proper growth and development. The entrepreneur is not satisfied only which achieving a set goal constantly strives for achieving Excellency.


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