


·        Management:  is an individual or group of individuals that accept responsibilities to run an organization or responsibility for and controlling of a company or similar organization (art of getting things done through another).
·        Organization: is social unit of people, systematically structured and manage to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.
·        Manager: is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary.       

Department of an organization
1.       Finance
2.       H.R
3.       I.T
4.       Production
5.       Marketing and sales
5 M’s of Management
1.      Man
2.      Money
3.      Machine
4.      Material
5.      Motivation

Levels of Management

Function of Management
1.     Planning
2.     Organizing
3.     Staffing
4.     Directing
5.     Controlling

Planning: means thinking in advance or thinking before doing. Deciding in advance.
            Question comes under planning are;
·        What to do?
·        How to do?
·        When to do?
·        Whom to do?

Organizing: means proper implementation of planning.

Staffing: filling job positions with the right people at the right time. It involves determining staffing needs, writing job descriptions, recruiting and screening people to fill the positions.

Directing: means influencing people’s behavior through communication, motivation, leadership. Directing requires exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate people. One of the crucial issues in directing is to find the correct balance between emphasis on staff needs and emphasis on economic production.
Controlling: means evaluating or measuring the actual work performance of employees.

Principles of Management
Henri Fayol discovered the 14 principles of management.
1.     Division of work
2.     Authority and responsibility
3.     Discipline
4.     Unity of command
5.     Unity of direction
6.     Subordination of individual interest to general interest
7.     Remuneration of personal
8.     Centralizing
9.     Scalar chain
10.            Order
11.            Stability of tenure
12.            Equity
13.            Initiative
14.            Esprit-de-corps

1.    Division of work
This principle says that work should be divided into different specialization. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive.

2.    Authority and responsibility
Authority is command or instruction given by the top level management.
             Authority may be of two types:
·        Official authority (comes from management)
·        Personal authority (comes from manager)
When we receive authority our responsibility will start.
Authority must be equal to Responsibility. If the authority is more than responsibility then chances are that a manager may misuse it. If responsibility is more than authority then he may feel frustrated.

3.    Discipline
It means the behavior and respect shown by the employees.
Discipline may be Self-discipline, or it may be Enforced discipline. Self-discipline is the best discipline. However, if there is no self-discipline, then discipline should be enforced through penalties, fines, etc. No organization can survive without discipline.

4.    Unity of command
              According to this principle, a subordinate (employee) must have only one superior (boss or manager). A subordinate must receive orders from only one superior. In other words, a subordinate must report to only one superior.
                According to Fayol, if one subordinate receives orders from more than one superior then there will be disorder. This will affect the discipline, efficiency, productivity and profitability of the organization.
                Unity of Command is a very important principle of management.

5.    Unity of direction (one head & one plan)
All activities which have the same objective must be directed by one manager, and he must use one plan. This is called Unity of Direction.
For example, all marketing activities such as advertising, sales promotion, pricing policy, etc., must be directed by only one manager. He must use only one plan for all the marketing activities.

6.    Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest
In an organization, there are two types of interest, viz., the individual interest of the employees, and the general interest of the organization. The individual interest should be given less importance, while the general interest should be given most importance. If not, the organization will collapse.

7.    Remuneration of personnel (salary)
Remuneration is the price for services received. If an organization wants efficient employees and best performance, then it should have a good remuneration policy. This policy should give maximum satisfaction to both employer and employees.

8.    Centralization
If all the decision making powers are with the top level management are known as centralization. And if some decision making powers are given to the middle level management are known as de-centralization.
There should be a balance between centralization and de-centralization.
9.    Scalar chain
Scalar Chain is a line of authority. This line joins all the members (managers and employees) from top to bottom. Every member must know who is his superior. He must also know who is his subordinate. Scalar Chain is necessary for good communication. Scalar Chain must not be broken in norm circumstances. However, if quick action is necessary, then this chain can be broken. This is done using "Gang Plank"
10.                        Order
There should be an Order for Things and People in the organization. Order for things is called Material Order. Order for people is called Social Order. Material Order refers to "a place for everything and everything in its place." Social Order refers to the selection of the "right man in the right place". There must be orderly placement of the resources such as Men and Women, Money, Materials, etc. Misplacement will lead to misuse and disorder.
11. Stability of tenure (job security)
This principle says that without any proper reason no employee should be remove within a short period of time.
The employees should have job security.

12. Equity (justice + kindness)
    Equity is a combination of kindness and justice. Workers must be treated with fairness and equity. Equity creates loyalty and devotion in the employees.

                   13. Initiative
  Initiative means to do something without waiting for order of the superior.
Management should encourage initiative. That is, they should encourage the employees to make their own plans and to execute these plans. This is because an initiative gives satisfaction to the employees and brings success to the organization.

14. Esprit-de-corps
   This is the principle of “Unity is strength” and there should be team sprit between the employees.
Therefore, the management should create unity, co-operation and team-spirit among the employees. They should avoid the divide and rule policy.


Our principles: We recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They ...