

            Globalisation can have both positive and negative impacts on nations and firms.
Ill- effects of globalisation
A  As a result of globalisation, many MNC’s have established well in local market. As a result of this the activities of domestic companies in greatly affected.
A  The products produced by the MNC’s give more value for money than products produced by domestic companies. Because of this factor, domestic companies are smashed out of competition by the dominance created by MNC’s. as a result, many domestic firms are driven to a situation of having to hand over the majority or complete equity to their foreign partners.

A  In many cases the products produced by these MNC’s companies have completely replaced traditional / indigenous products. This has resulted in the total collapse of traditional crafts and local industries.
A  One of the most common criticisms is that the technology that MNC’s bring in may not be the one suited to the host country  but that suits the objectives of the MNC.
A  Another common criticisms is that MNC’s dump obsolete technology to the developing country.
A  The impact of globalisation have adverse effects in developed countries like USA. As a result of globalizations, American jobs and wages levels are severely affected by the influx of cheap imports and shifting of production to low cost overseas locations.  As a result, unemployment has become very common in USA.

The adverse effect of globalisation in USA is as follows
A  Millions of Americans have last jobs due to imports or production shifts abroad.
A  Unemployment has become common in USA. This is because of the fact that lower level management jobs in USA are now outsourced to India via internet facilities.
A  Most of the MNC’s like Sony, IBM, Philips now have their base in countries like India and China. Both these countries have a rich source of cheap labour which is very technical and efficient. So these transnational giants are planning to have their product developed in India/China at a low cost with the same level of quality delivery which in usually done in their home countries. Hence more service and white collar jobs are slowly moving out of USA to India.
A  As most of the work in USA is outsourced to India, the job market in USA has fallen steadily. The wages in USA job market has hit a rock bottom.


1.    Foreign capital, if property utilized, can make substantial  contribution to the economic development of the nation. Example China.
2.    Standard of living can go up as the company earns more from international trade.
3.    Increase of competition from MNC’s will make the domestic companies more quality concious. (Example) many lcal companies in India are forced to go global as part of their survival techniques (Couter – competition strategy) from the attack of MNC’s companies.
4.    The Customers gets more value for money.  They now have more choice to select the best. (For example) The student is requested to enter into a perfume shop and browse through the list of different brand of soaps available in shelf. (More choice of soaps to keep ourselves clean).
5.    ‘Change’ and innovative ideas are very common in International trade.  What is in vogue today may not exist tomorrow.  It becomes obsolete quickly.  Hence continuous improvement of quality of product is a most in international marketing.
6.    More inflow of MNC’s means scope for more job opportunities, increase of salary & wages.
7.    Globalisation also keeps a tight lid on the inflation of prices of various items.  As a result of tough competition, the price of various products is always kept under check due to global competition.


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