
Methods of international marketing

1.    Indirect exports
2.    Direct exports
3.    Management contract
4.    Licensing
5.    Manufacturing contract
6.    Joint venture
7.    Direct investment

1.  Indirect exports
When the company is indirectly involved in the activities of exporting and does exporting with the help of export agents and other middle men.

Types of indirect market
1.    Domestic based export merchants
The export merchants purchased the product in bulk quantity from the manufacturer and export the product to the international markets at their own price. These merchants are based in the domestic market and specialized in exporting products.
2.    Domestic based export agents
These agents are based domestically and exports on behalf of the company at the price the company has said and the agents charged commission on the sale of the product as their reward. It is the responsibility of the agent to deliver the product in the destination market according to the instructions given by the company.
3.    Cooperative organizations
It is an institution formed with the collaboration of manufacturers of a same product and this institution collects the supply of products from the member manufacturer and exports the product to the international market under the institution’s brand and prices. The manufacturers will get the share of profit apart from the cost price.
4.    Export management companies
These companies are specialized in the trait of exporting products and they make contacts with the manufacturers and exports according to their specifications, destination and prices said by the manufacturers and they charge a fee on the export of the products.

Advantages of indirect exports
-          It is economical and cost effective .
-          Eliminate the differences and burden of exporting activities.
-          Reduces transportation cost as bulk can be exported after collecting the bulk product’s and comparing many exporters.
-          The risk factors can be reduced.
-          Helps in maintaining international standards.

Disadvantages of indirect exports
-          Price fluctuations can be very unpredictable
-          Reduces the efficiency as the company is not involved in exporting activities.
-          The inter dependency is increased and this many issues.
-          Miss communication and miss concepts may arise.
-          Have low or no control over the foreign markets.

2.  Direct exports
When the companies are engaged in the activities of exporting directly without taking the help from exporting agents or middle menthe it is said to be direct exports.

Types of direct exports
1.    Domestic based exports department or division
Here the companies have their own exporting department or division which handles all the exports of the company and processes these transactions.
2.    Subsidiary or overseas sales branch
The company establishes their branches in foreign markets and exports the products to these branches and from these branches the product are finally distributed to the customers in foreign markets.
3.    Traveling export sales representatives
The sales representatives of the company travel to foreign markets with sample or prototype of the products and try to capture on expand the market for the company
4.    Foreign based distributors or agents
The company hand over the product to their authorized dealers, distributors and franchisees located in foreign markets who intern reach the market.

Advantages of direct exports
1.    The company have the full control of exporting activities
2.    Direct exports helping maintaining a better corporate culture
3.    The company can expand its international operations easily and find compatible markets
4.    The company have better control over the foreign market
5.    Direct exports helps in reducing misunderstanding in-between the customer and company
6.    Through direct exports the company can earn more return on exports

Disadvantages of direct exports
1.    The overheads and expenses will increase as the company have to maintain its export division
2.    The company may face communication, cultural, and language issues it they are meaning all the exporting activities
3.    There is more risk involve as all the process of exporting is to be carried out by the company itself
4.    Selection of wrong markets can bring loss to the company.

3.  Management contracts
Management contracts are agreements upon which the management of a company is handed over to a foreign company to manage the business in a modern and systematic order.

Advantages of management contract
- Management contract helps in standardization of the product or service
- It helps in overall development and expansion of the business
- It brings technological advancement in the business
- It helps in managing competition
- Professional will increase in the business practices.
Disadvantages of management contract
-          Conflicts may arise between employees and the management due to new policies
-          The policy changes may not suite the local employees and they may not accept them
-          Due to management contract the working environment and business because very strict.


In this method the companies issue licenses or permits to other foreign companies located in foreign markets to do the business on their behalf. The main company will charge a fee or royalty from the licensed companies as they are using the main companies product and its brand

-          It is easy to expand the business in foreign markets
-          The goodwill of the brand will increase automatically
-          The advertising and marketing cost will be reduced
-          It brings high rate of returns of profit
-          The brand awareness will increase globally
-          It can be risky as the brand name is on the line
-          Have less or no control over the licenses company
-          Conflicts may arise between the main company and the licensed company
-          It is hard to find good company to give licese
-          Operational activities may become disturbed as pattern of working is entired different in both the companies
-          There is a probably that the product may be manipulated

5.  Manufacturing contract

In this method the companies offer the right to manufacture the products of the company ti manufacturing business or companies located in the foreign market. It used in the production or manufacturing industries and in most cases the contracted parties will only manufacture and assemble the products and will not involve in the marketing and sales activities

-          Manufacturing cost will decrease for the main company
-          The contracted manufactures will gain more knowledge through the assistance provided by the main company
-          The risk of manufacturing faults will below to the main company
-          It is easy and cost effective to produce in bulk for main company
-          The contracted manufactures have high risk
-          The main company have less or no control over the manufacturing process
-          The contracted manufactures get very less return or low profit
-          It is hard to find good or suitable manufactures

6.  Joint ventures
When two different companies merge together to performed their business then it is called as a joint venture. In other words the merge of two different business is known as joint ventures

-          Easy to finance the business or to raise capital
-          Creates pool of knowledge , skills, equipment and reasources
-          Helps to maintain better understanding proffessionism
-          Easy to establish the brand name and the trade mark
-          Easy to compete witrh the competitors
-          Conflicts may arise between the two companies
-          Customers may get confused about the brand name
-          The total profit needs to be shared between two companies
-          Long term strategic plans of the business is difficult to develop or implement
-          There are more complications and formalities for creating a joint venture

7.  Direct investment

When the company itself starts investing on their own and have 100% ownership of the business in foreign markets then it is called as direct investment

-          The company have full control over the full business
-          The company can aqua good resources in low cost
-          Direct investment have the highest return
-          The company and expand its market share and have control over the market
-          The Employeement opportunities in the invested nation will increase
-          The company should need huge amount of capital to invest in foreign maukets
-          It will be very complicated and hard to manage the company
-          Delay in getting the returns will result in reaching break even point
-          It is very difficult to aqua 100% ownership in some countries and regions


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