

“OD is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges and the dizzying rate of change itself.”
“Organization development is a planned process of change in an organization culture through the utilization of behavioral science technology, research and theory,.”

Organization development is a long term effort to improve an organization’s problem – solving and renewal processes, particularly through a more effective and collaborative management of organization culture – with special emphasis on the culture of formal work teams – with the assistance of a change agent or catalyst and the use of the theory and technology of applied behavior science including action research.
1.     Planned change: OD is a strategy of planned change for organizational improvement. This ‘Planned’ emphasis separates OD efforts from other kinds of more haphazard changes that are frequently undertaken by organizations.
2.     Comprehensive change: OD efforts focus on comprehensive change in the organization rather than focusing attention on individuals, so that change is easily absorved. The concept of comprehensive change is based on the systems concept open, dynamic and adaptive system. OD efforts take an organization as an interrelated whole and no part of it can be changed meaningfully without making corresponding changes in other parts.
3.     Long range change: OD efforts are not meant for solving short – term, temporary or isolated problems. Rather, OD focuses on the elevation of an organization to a higher level of functioning by improving the performance and satisfaction of organizational members on long term basis. These long – term efforts are time consuming. Therefore, OD experts emphasize that the process takes months or in many cases, years to implement. Although there may be pressure for quick results the OD process is not intended to be stop – gap measure.  
4.     Dynamic Process: OD is a dynamic process and includes the efforts to guide and direct changes as well as to cope with or adapt changes imposed. It recognizes that organizational goals change, so the methods of attaining these goals should also change. Thus, OD efforts are not one – shot actions, rather they are ongoing, interactive and cyclic process.
5.     Participation of change agent: Most OD emphasis the need for an outside, third party change agent, or catalyst. They discourage ‘do it yourself’ approach. There is a close working relationship between the change agent  and the target organizational members to be changed. The relationship involves mutual trust, joint goals and means and mutual influence. The change agent is a humanist seeking to get a humanistic philosophy in the organization. He shares a social philosophy about human values.
6.     Emphasis on intervention and action research: OD approach results in an active intervention in the ongoing activities of the organization. Action research is the basis for such intervention. A change agent in OD process does not just introspect the people and introduce changes, rather, he conducts surveys, collects relevant data evaluates these data, and then takes actions for intervention. He designs intervention strategies based on these data.
7.     Normative educational process: OD is based on the principle that norms form the basis for behavior and change is a re-educative process of replacing old norms by the new ones. This is done to arrive at certain desirable outcomes that may be in the form of increased effectiveness, problem – solving and adaptability for the organization as a whole. At the individual level, OD attempts to provide opportunities to be ‘human’ and to increase awareness, participation and integrate individual and organizational goals.


Management development
            Organization Development    
Increasing manager’s contribution to goal accomplishment.
changing the nature of the organization
Train and equip employees and Managers to perform better in existing organization
focus on design, not on the managers; focus on achieving improvements in design

Approach Time
Educative and training Short-range
Problem-solving approach. Long-range strategy for organizational innovation and renewal 
No special recruitment
Trained specialists required


Our principles: We recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They ...