

Organization development, as a long – term strategy for organizational change, plays key role in organizational improvement. The basic problem in a change effort which is not comprehensive is that it does not work properly unless there is a proper change in the internal environment of the organization in which people work. Since OD attempts to being comprehensive change in the organization, it is quite suitable for improving organizational performance on  long – term basis. Thus OD can be utilized for the following results in the organization:

1.     To place emphasis on humanistic values and goals consistent with these values;
2.     To treat each human being a s a complex persons with a complex set of needs important in his work and his life.
3.     To increase the level of trust and mutual emotional support among all organizational members.
4.     To increase the level of enthusiasm and personal satisfaction at all levels of the organization.
5.     To increase the level of self and group responsibility in planning and its implementation.
6.      To increase the openness of communications in all directions – vertically, horizontally and laterally.
7.     To create an environment in which authority in which authority of assigned role is augmented by authority based on knowledge and skills.

Organization development, however has invited sharp criticism as a strategy to increase organizational viability and effectiveness because many OD programmes have failed. Much of the enthusiasm created at the beginning of OD programmes vanished over the period of time. In early 60’s, OD became quite successful with many professional consultants offering high services and programmes to various organizations. By 70’s however, substantial disenchantment with OD became evident because of many controversial OD techniques like sensitivity training, confrontation techniques etc. research studies have also failed to conclude significant contributions of OD in all organizations, particularly in bottom – line ones. Therefore, OD can not be taken as panacea for curing all organizational problems. In general, OD is criticized on the following lines:

1.     There is discrepancy between ideal and real situations. OD ties to achieve ideal without taking into account real.
2.     OF makes people unit for the real organizational world because no organizations can fully adopt open system concept.
3.     Resistance to change is a natural phenomenon and OD puts undue pressure to change. Hence, it fails even as a long term strategy.
4.     OD fails to motivate people with low level of achievement needs. If an organization is laden with these people, it is useless to try OD.
5.     OD programmes are often quite costly and only large organizations can afford this luxury without any guarantee of positive outcome.

It can be seen that many of these criticisms are based on reality and experience. People realized its dysfunctional aspects only when many OD efforts failed. However it may be emphasized that OD programmes are likely to fail when these are not undertaken properly. In fact, there have been cases of wrong implementation of OD programmes and hence failure. For example, Evans has identified three factors which have been possible for the failure of OD programmes:

1.     Failure of the management consultant group to correctly tailor the programme to actual needs of the organization.
2.     Failure to correctly model appropriate personnel behavior in the programme.
3.     Failure to increase employee motivation through participation and development of personal growth and self – esteem.

Thus it can be visualized that OD itself may not be dysfunctional but application may be. Therefore in order to make best use of OD efforts, some specific efforts are required. Some of these efforts are as follows:

1.     There should be genuine support of OD programme from top management.
2.     Organization must formulate the objectives of OD programme very clearly and specifically.
3.     Enough time should be allowed so that the effects of OD programme are realized.
4.     There should be proper use of OD interventions. These should be based on the specific needs of the organization.
5.     Only fully competent OD consultant should be pressed for the service and he should develop understanding with internal change agents.


Our principles: We recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They ...