
Sales management

It is business discipline which is focused on the practical application of sales techniques and a management of on a firm sales operation. Sales management come into existent after the industrial revolution and with the increase in volume of production that is production on mass skill not only for local consumption but also to cater to the demand at national and global levels.
According to American market association “ sale management is the process of planning, directing and controlling of personal selling including recruiting, selecting equipping assigning, supervising, paying and motivating the sales force.

Managing the sales forces
The key to any successful sales management lies on the people working in sales. Sales force management lies on three perimeter there are:
1.    Organization
2.    Sales force strength and qualification
3.    Compensation and incentive system

Methods of selling
1.    Telemarketing:it  work through a well networking team of trade telemarketer who call potential clients and establish direct contact with them . Example Housing loan, insurance, credit card
2.    Sales on the internet: this the new dimension in the selling world. Many computer are now promoting their product through web network because of the marketing coverage its get. Example eBay, flipcard.com
3.    Mail order sale: in this method customer do not visit the seller business premises nor do they make personal examination of good before they are purchased.  Orders are received through post and good are dispatch through value payable parcel> example Reader digest magazine
4.    Retail selling: Concentration of urban areas, increasing flow of manufacture good and improved methods of organizing business lent to the expansion of retailed business. Example-  Departmental store, Hyper market, supper market.
5.    wholesale selling :
A wholesaler performes different activities like:
o   Essembling and buying
o   Storing and wharehousing
o   Transportation
o   Financing
o   Risk bearing
o   Grading, packing et..
6) direct selling
In this method it will take hardly a minute to clinch a sale but choosing the right minutes to contact the customer involves a days work for a direct marketer.


Our principles: We recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They ...